Abraham is like unto God Almighty. Isaac is like unto The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The Elder servant of Abraham is like unto the Holy Spirit. The Elder servant of Abraham was guided by God's holy angel to go before to make his way prosperous to find Rebekah. In Isaac, the son of Abraham, the seed shall be called. Rebekah was called to leave everything she knew, her family and go out not knowing where she was going. Abraham's seed does the works of Abraham. Rebekah is like unto the Virgins that are to be married to the Lord Jesus Christ. Virgins have not been touched by a man, like unto believing only the Lord Jesus Christ. For God only revealed the Lord Jesus Christ to them not by man, nor man's will, nor the will of the flesh but by God. Christ is the second Adam, the son of man. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife. Christ and the Church is bone of Christ bone and flesh of his flesh. And they shall be one flesh, but this is speaking of Christ and the Church. Christ sanctifies and cleanses the Church by the washing of the water by the word. That He might present the Church glorious, not having a spot nor wrinkle nor any such thing, But that the Church be holy and unreprovable in his sight. Then we shall be gathered by his holy angels from the four winds and meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. For when we see him we shall be like him for we shall see him the way He is.
Genesis Chapter 24