Faith, Hope and Charity

Faith is the substance of the thing that is hoped for, and Faith is the evidence of the thing that is not seen. Faith is what pleases God, and the Son of man Jesus Christ is looking for faith on the earth. We all in Christ have a measure of faith, according to what God is given to each one of us. There is a faith of salvation which this faith is extended to every walk of our lives, provision, healing, deliverance, prosperity. This salvation faith is the root of our faith in every thing we need and want. I say "want" because our Lord said, if you have faith and doubt not, you can whatever the problem is be done, this or that and it shall be done, and nothing shall be impossible to you. Jesus came to the sycamine tree looking for fruit but at this time this tree didn't bear fruit as yet for it was not it's season but Christ said to it no more shall you bear fruit, and the tree withered. If we think that we are condemn for our faith God knows that he will purge us that we shall be a new lump. Purging us that we may bear more fruit saying that we can ask what we will and it shall be done. The unbelief comes in when we continues to look on the outside of us, (lust of the eyes) for results according to the thing hoped for.  But faith is the evidence of the thing that is not seen. So that is doubting when you look on the outside off and on that is not faith, the thing was not done the first time is because you doubted not because God don't love you. We need to seek again for that perfect word from God that would take away all doubts and fear, for the thing that is hoped for. The three greatest things in Christ is faith, hope and charity, if you have no hope how can you have faith. Knowing God so loved us, not we loved him first but God so loved us He gave... Should give you "hope". Faith comes by hearing from God from sometimes just from one word. Hope comes from testimonies of God's goodness. But faith comes from hearing God speaking to you individually. Charity is a christ-like fruit that we lay down what we want to do or what we are in this life and help the brethren. Charity is like that land which is our flesh, that flows with milk and honey, which these things are natural products of the earth that God made.  You must count yourself dead in this life to have the fruit of charity established in your flesh.  For charity is a Christ life. I thought about when I prayed for some people and it seem like God was not hearing me, the word says that "when we know that he hears us, we know that we have the petition that we desires of him".  God still communicates with us today, that's why Christ said "having ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches". God spoke to the prophet and the patriachs and in these last times spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things... That same God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob is still in the blessing business, that if you should seek after him, The woman that had a issue of blood is one of our favorite stories because she knew that Jesus was passing by, she heard of God was with him and she knew that she had been to many physicians and nothing had happen for her, so she seen that the crowd was pressing around Jesus, feeling not able to see how she would get his attention but knowing that God is with him she said, "If I could only" touch the border of his garment, probably the moving of his garment was the only thing she could get a hold to because of the pressing of the crowd. Let's think about our problems, you already know God has done things for you before, so you can draw from your faith to believe that if you do something that you know that God would see your faith, and it would be done, it don't have to be like anybody else's faith it is your small belief that if you make a move things would happen for you, this can be a longsuffering situation but it is your faith, don't worry how your faith in your God looks like to others (pride of life), or to yourself (lust of the flesh), just believe your God. God is indeed is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, this fact you should always believe. Don't let your feeling of the past stop you from getting the blessing you have been desiring, keep moving by faith to get God's attention, and hold on to God's unchanging hand, he did things for others and he is able and willing to do things for you, for it is his good pleasure to give you the kingdom, don't be afraid of nothing, just know God is good, he made a way for you to come to him for your needs to be met, whatever the need may be, to be met, by giving his Son a sacrifice for your sins, come to God and to his loving hand of mercy and grace. God grace and mercy has gotten you through you are living this moment because of His sacrifice for your sins. God, your grace and mercy has gotten me through.