God, The Creator

Are you worshiping God? God being the Creator, Is it foolishness to say that God use animals? He used a fish to swallow Jonah, a bird to feed Elijah.  God used a mule to speak as a man and reprove a mad prophet that was about to be destroyed. God used a plant to grow and die so he may speak to Jonah about life.  God increased oil into vessels to pay a debt and to provide sustenance; increased loaves and fishes to feed the hungry; made wine out of water for a marriage celebration; sent manna to feed his people Israel in the wilderness; put money in a fish's mouth to pay taxes which was not even owed.  God healed the sick, cast out the demons, made the lame to walk, the blind to see, healed diseases all by Jesus Christ.  God wonderfully made our bodies and our souls.  God can keep and preserve our bodies and souls, He's God the Creator.  Our Creator keeps us alive and breathing, without Him, we know, we could not exist to do anything or be blessed.  God made us in His image. It took a thousand years as one day to God to make us. Glorify Him, and be thankful.  Jesus said, Why call me good, there is only one that is good and that is God. Worship the Father God, Who sent his Son.  Commit the keeping of your souls in well doing unto God as unto a Faithful Creator.  Think, Who are you worshiping? God the Creator who sent his Son to be the Savior of the World?  We are dealing with the Almighty God and His Beloved Son Jesus Christ. Worship God in the Spirit and in Truth, Jesus is Truth.  God made all things by Jesus Christ. The Word was made flesh and moved among us, and we beheld Him as the only begotten of the Father.  In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. God said "Let there be.......", and it was....the Word is life.  That life was the light of men, Who is this life, light, truth or Word? The Lord Jesus Christ, because in that name you can only be saved.  God made all things by the Word. God made all things by Jesus Christ. See the similarity.  Jesus had said, It is the spirit that makes it alive, the words that Jesus speaks are spirit and they are life.  The letter kills but the Spirit gives life. No one can turn the Bible around. People are blind until God opens their eyes.  God can tender the heart and he can harden the heart of man.  Jesus had said, In me you might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation. Peace is not Fear So Follow Christ. 🎼A God to save from sin control, gave his Son a sacrifice, his grace abounding in the soul, makes the earth a paradise, What a Mighty God we serve.🎼